Custom Footbeds from Sidas ConForm’able at The Boot Lab are a whole foot cast of the shape of the underneath of your feet to help support the contact points your feet have during the forces that you go through when skiing.
These footbeds are not Orthotics, which are designed for walking. The custom footbeds that we make a The Boot Lab are designed for a static stance when standing in a ski boot, on a ski.
Understanding what the body and the feet require when skiing is very different to almost everything else, we do day to day. When we ski, we are in a shell on a ski going down a hill. It is a very symmetrical set up, and we are forced into a hip width straight foot position. Our feet are naturally designed to roll in (pronate) or roll out and (supinate) this is our body’s way of absorbing shock when we walk and plant our feet on the ground.
As we walk and move forward our heel lifts off the ground and our feet go through a Gait motion. This range of motion that we naturally have needs to be supported when we are in this skiing position or stance to help avoid having sore points on the shell or delay with control to the ski.